TRFC Tennis Leagues

We offer multiple TRFC Tennis Leagues allowing members and non members to compete and socialize with others. These leagues do not affect any USTA ratings, but they do count for fun!

FLEX League

One weekly SINGLES match is scheduled through 8 weeks (byes may apply if odd number of players). You decide with your opponent when and where to play your match for that designated week. Flexible scheduling!

Current Champions:
David S. and Lauren M.

MATCH League

TRC’s Match is a fun ladder-based DOUBLES league! Every week the players will be assigned a court based on their scores from the previous week; which provides everyone with a chance to move up or down for challenging tennis, to meet new people and make new friends!

  • Women’s MATCH – Tuesdays | 7:30am
  • Men’s MATCH – Wednesdays | 6:30pm
  • Co-ed MATCH – Thursdays | 6:30pm

Men’s Ladder League

Men’s Drop-In Ladder League for competitive play with flexible commitment. Each Tuesday night, players are grouped by skill level, facing off to advance up the ladder. Includes singles and doubles each evening. Show up, play, and climb at your own pace. [Open to levels 3.5+]


Contact our tennis league coordinator with any questions to help you find the right league for you!