Trainers Edge Fitness Program
The Trainers Edge at the Tucson Racquet & Fitness Club is a full-service exercise training program for people of all fitness levels. In addition to all our services, Trainers Edge clients benefit from private cardiovascular and weight-training rooms at the Club.


Program Includes
Individualized exercise prescription, consisting of one-on-one, two-on-one, or group training sessions.
Program designed exercise session consist of aerobic, flexibility and strength training routines. The trainer keeps a detailed exercise log which allows the tracking of progress.
The program design component consists of working with a trainer once a month to design a workout for you to complete on your own. Body Fat Analysis is also available for $15. Skin fold measurements are done with calipers. This is included when you join the program.
Program Rates
Trainers Edge takes pride in its staff of degreed and/or certified professionals who are dedicated to educating and guiding their clients through safe and scientifically sound aerobic, flexibility and weight training sessions. Trainers Edge trainers will design work-outs to meet the desired goals and assessed needs of each client.