Corporate Memberships

Keeping Businesses Healthy

Enhancing Business Partnerships for Healthier, Happier Employees

In the wake of the U.S. Surgeon General’s groundbreaking report, “Physical Activity and Health,” much progress has been made in raising public awareness about the critical role regular exercise plays in mitigating health risks, prolonging life, and enhancing overall well-being. Despite these efforts, healthcare expenses continue to climb, with a significant portion attributed to preventable illnesses.

At Tucson Racquet and Fitness Club, we are unwavering in our commitment to fostering positive change in the health and wellness of employees. By collaborating with us, businesses not only prioritize the well-being of their staff but also stand to bolster their bottom line. Research demonstrates that a healthy workforce translates to reduced healthcare costs and heightened productivity.

Our highly effective membership programs offers employees an exclusive opportunity to join Tucson Racquet and Fitness Club at special introductory rates. This not only serves as a valuable perk for employees but also brings tangible benefits to employers through discounted club memberships.

Introducing Select Business Memberships

Our Select Business membership option is designed for companies dedicated to promoting active and healthy lifestyles among their employees.  By partnering with Tucson Racquet and Fitness Club, businesses can provide significant ongoing monthly discounts to their staff, facilitating access to a wide array of sports, fitness, and wellness activities.

Interested in Partnering with Us?

If you’re seeking to enrich your organization’s benefits package and promote employee well-being, discover more about our Select Business Membership options tailored to your company’s needs. We collaborate closely with local businesses to foster employee engagement in healthy pursuits.  Through reduced initiation fees, discounted monthly dues, and a complimentary one-week trial membership, employees can experience the club firsthand.  Best of all, businesses incur no costs while reaping the rewards of a healthier, more productive workforce, with reduced absenteeism and enhanced alertness.

For more information about how you can partner with Tucson Racquet and Fitness Club, complete the form below.


Corporate Memberships

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